OzAlum Podcast
Do you ever wonder how Australian alumni have gone on to achieve success after studying in Australia? Now you have the chance to find out as our alumni share unique stories about their experiences, knowledge and networks gained while in Australia that have helped them most in their journeys and key intersections of opportunity and alumni connections that have propelled them to where they are today. We have some talented alumni guest hosts lining up for exclusive interviews with our guests. Listen in our OzAlum podcast find out how these inspiring alumni let their lives speak and the unexpected twists and tale of life at each intersection along the way.
Podcasting since 2021 • 23 episodes
OzAlum Podcast
Latest Episodes
Eps #23: Apa Saja yang Perlu Dipersiapkan Pelamar PhD untuk Memperoleh Beasiswa Australia Awards?
Penasaran bagaimana cara meraih Beasiswa PhD Australia Awards? Di episode OzAlum Podcast kali ini, Raisa Savitri, penerima Beasiswa PhD Australia Awards, berbagi cerita tentang persiapan, tekad, dan ketekunannya. Dengan moto "gagal bersiap bera...
Season 1
Episode 23

Eps #22: Bagaimana Penerima Beasiswa Master Australia Awards Menyiapkan Aplikasi Mereka?
Penasaran bagaimana proses mendaftar dan meraih Beasiswa Australia Awards? Dalam episode terbaru OzAlum Podcast, Nuky Setiofitria dan Abrian Duta Firmansyah, penerima Beasiswa Australia Awards untuk program Master, berbagi kisah mereka tentang ...
Season 1
Episode 22

Eps #21: Menguak Kode Sukses: Melamar Beasiswa PhD Australia Awards
Dalam episode terbaru OzAlum Podcast, topik yang dibahas adalah "Menguak Kode Sukses: Meraih Beasiswa PhD Australia Awards," bersama tamu spesial, Dr Marcelino Pandin, anggota Tim Seleksi Bersama Beasiswa Australia Awards (JST). Dipandu oleh Ra...
Season 1
Episode 21

Eps #20: Bagaimana Rasanya Belajar dan Tinggal di Australia, Negara Multi Budaya?
Dalam episode terbaru OzAlum Podcast, kami hadirkan Dr Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Tenaga Ahli Energi di Kantor Staf Presiden Republik Indonesia, yang juga #OzAlum bergelar PhD di bidang Renewable Energy and Power Systems. Bersama pembawa acara Raissa...
Season 1
Episode 20

Eps #19: Seperti Apa Kandidat yang Dicari Beasiswa Australia Awards?
Pertanyaan ini menjadi topik utama dalam episode terbaru OzAlum Podcast, di mana kita akan membahasnya bersama dengan bintang tamu, Fendi Liem. Beliau adalah anggota Tim Seleksi (JST) Beasiswa Australia Awards dan peraih Penghargaan Alumni Aust...
Season 1
Episode 19